Build a macOS Menu Bar Realtime Crypto Tracker with SwiftUI & WebSocket
Published at Feb 04, 2022
In this video, we're going to build a macOS Menu Bar App with SwiftUI & WebSocket to show realtime currency price from
Here are the main features that we will build in this full tutorial video:
- Create Menu Bar Based SwiftUI View without main app window & dock icon.
- Realtime tracking of crypto currency from websocket server
- Monitor network reachability, ping scheduler, automatic reconnect mechanism in case of lost internet connection.
- Popover view to select different predefined Coin Types (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, Litecoin, Dogecoin)
- Shortcut Link to open the associated coin details in web browser
- Use Combine Publisher to subscribe to the CoinCapService from the View Model layer, react to new data, and update UI through single pipeline.