Build an App Icon Generator iOS & macOS Catalyst SwiftUI App
Published at Mar 20, 2022

Generate & Export Asset Icons easily to your iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch.
What we will build and learn on this video:
- Import icon image and generate resized icons for iPhone, iPad, mac, and Apple Watch.
- Target 2 platforms: iOS (iPhone/iPad) and macOS using Catalyst
- Utilize UIImage.preparingThumbnail iOS 15 API.
- Design models for App Icon and create Content.json based on the idiom, size, scale, filename required by the iconset folder.
- Lean how to use ImagePickerController (iOS) in SwiftUI and DocumentPickerController (mac Catalyst) to import image.
- Learn how to accept dropped image on mac Catalyst.
- Learn on how to use FileManager API to create, move, and delete file/folder.
- Learn how to archive/zip folder using FileCoordinator API
- Learn how to use UIActivityViewController (iOS) and UIDocumentPickerController to save/share file.